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  • Redemption

    "They shall be redeemed in lawful money by demand..."

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    Congress used the pronoun "They". And with the gold seizure of 1933 in consideration that actually leaves the only viable interpretation of They to be People. No matter how many ways you try to substitute Federal Reserve notes from two sentences earlier in the Fed Act, into They, it fails to be happening in practicality; in actual substance like gold or silver coin. So please try reading it this way:

    People shall be redeemed when they make their demand for lawful money...

    It is no stretch of the imagination that similar words have similar meaning:




    So one might easily perceive national debt as national death as well. Did you ever wonder what causes the national debt? Answer: Endorsement of private credit from the local central bank. This is done on the backside of the paycheck. We have been taught to endorse our paychecks but very few people have been taught the terms of that naked contract:

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    The power in the authority to name something, or even to give someone your name is worth examining here. In Gerard GERTOUX's book about The Name of God we find at the heart of his treatise:
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    Click image for larger version

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    This is a fascinating excursion into some of the wonderful discussions that Jim and I would have in establishing CASTLE CHURCH - For the Redemption of the Office BISHOP.

    Also, some folks point out how difficult it is to get my teachings through my writing style. But on occasion I hear from somebody who tells me they have been reading everything I write for many years and totally get it. So please apply the context of remedy, remember (you have never separated from God) and redemption being life.


    David Merrill.

    Serious about Redemption and Trusts? Visit: