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G Pages 15-16 Paul's Survival Instinct, Roman Welfare and Cestui Que Vie Trust 1666

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  • G Pages 15-16 Paul's Survival Instinct, Roman Welfare and Cestui Que Vie Trust 1666

    This is a great lesson to associate these all with Jim's role as BISHOP of Rome - Pope. This will tie into how for the both of us, we have heritage and destiny at play in the Now.

    This brings to mind the 'rumors' that Paul was a severely balding or maybe completely bald man. As I wrote I had made the presumption that Paul used a rope to repel from a window and knew how do this already, from another passage. Another possibility occurs to me. The guards at the gates knew Paul to be bald anyway. So they would let him through as a matter of habit, rather than to check him for being on "restriction" within the walls of Jerusalem.
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    One is behooved to develop appreciation for trust law, and people who have studied the older law treatises to gain a full understanding on how to apply it, in spite of ignorant and malicious attorneys.

    Since writing and presenting the Gospel of Pragmatism to Jim for Bishop Castle, I have recovered the significance of transacting my Certificate of Baptism through the federal court, published on PACER. This is possibly the reversal of the state's escheat, in that the state may also become "dead" civilly if not praised homage and tribute for seven years or more. At any rate, my escheat goes back to 1629 - the Charter for Freedoms and Exemptions Granted to Patroons and like I showed on my mother's side, 1630 to the first large land claim RENSSELAER - Wren+Sailor.

    Something about my father's side though, expresses a very powerful escheat. Philip Jansen VAN PELT, descended from Teunis Jansen Laenan VAN PELT twelve generations granted me genome that qualified for Patroon, piloting seventy souls to the New World but never applied for nor was granted title. Therefore not being subject to Dutch manorial law, the VAN PELT MANOR was never subject to British or American manorial law too. There is some indication of this execution above the law boundary in the Brooklyn records:

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    Serious about Redemption and Trusts? Visit:

  • #2
    The cestui que vie trust under the Vatican (1666) is so extraordinary of a claim that I will not try convincing you with various tangential evidence. There is a Triumvirate I identify to be Vatican, City of London and Washington DC that operates in priesthood; what I coin commercial priestcraft. The simplest evidence is to show you the Crown's claim to American soil in 1846 - many years following the alleged "win" of the American Revolutionary War.

    Treaty of Oregon.

    The operation executed is called escheat, making a birthright heritage claim upon absentee claimant. So if one has a prior "perpetual inheritance" like I do, then the escheat can be undone by the 1629 Charter claim through proving ancestry.
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    • #3
      How was the CASTLE CHURCH TRUST able to detect and subsequently issue a warning about Facebook's role in the 2003 Trust Theft case? What undisclosed methods or technologies were utilized in this digital sleuthing, and could this set a precedent for future trust protection strategies on social media platforms?


      • #4
        Welcome to the site. I call it Whisper. Genetics...
        Serious about Redemption and Trusts? Visit:

